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Yoga Nidra: Dream State
Hello wonderful yogi’s. Today Juliette shares a Nidra journey with you where you will be guided in to a total relaxation. A 30 min guided practise. Did you know that some of Yoga Nidra benefits are very useful? Especially in these times? An overview of it’s benefits: Stress Reduction. One of the most common and...
The Journey- Yoga Nidra
Let your mind and body completely immerse in this unique Nidra journey. Choose first a comfortable place to rest. Flow in to your inner world with verbal visualizations and visuals of Juliette.. I am taking you on a journey of lucid dreaming in which you can come in to a deep state of relaxation and...
Grounding Yoga in Nature
A short yoga practice of 7 minutes: A lovely outdoor sequence. You can also bring this a long on your phone at a Outdoor walk. Find a nice area outdoors or indoors at the comfort of your home: And join Juliette in her playful yet mindful exploration! The photo is a joke since we can...
Ouder Kind Yoga
Geschikt voor kinderen tussen 4 & 8 en hun ouders. Welkom! Het Lichaams bewustzijn moet vaak nog groeien bij jonge kinderen. Het plezier samen (zeker tijdens de Lockdown) ondersteund de relatie tussen ouder en kind. En geeft ook fijne afleiding en plezier samen in deze dagen! Doen jullie mee? Moeder en zoon van net 6...
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