Online Yoga Videos

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vinyasa yoga les
Katherine is our regular Vinyasa teacher. In this 70 min class she invites you to reset body and mind through a gentle Vinyasa flow technique. Have a great class and hopefully see you soon as well in the studio! Or at our outdoor activities!
Aerial Yoga Introduction Practise!
Hi lovely people! In case you have no hammock yet. This vid will also show where. And you can have a discount if you email me. Some kompassieyoga Students have their hammock at home. Now you can start safely practise with me from home as well. On purpose first a short beginner Vid. So it…
Drums and Vinyasa Flow
Our lovely guest teacher Leila shares a clear and beautiful Vinyasa class with you. Some experience in Yoga is recommended here. But everyone is welcome to try! The calm drums accompanying her are coming from her gifted sister. Who you will also see shortly playing at the end of the class; during savasana.. It is…
Patience Yin with Nicola: 65 min
Well.. this is quite a important theme to practise: Patience. Nicola will guide you through a complete practise with this theme in her Yin class. I have doubted to add the recording to our library due to a washing machine you sometimes can hear in the background. But this class is so nice and for…
Conditioning strength Yoga- 35 min
Practise with the uplifting and mindful spirit of Juliette: She will lead you through some good and fun strengthening exercises fused with yoga asana’s. Enjoy building up your strength and your condition while staying mindful in your practise! A great way of building back also your life energy and getting in to shape again!
Stoel-Yoga 20 min
Deze les wordt in het Nederlands geinstrueerd. Altijd al je stoel op een andere manier willen bekijken en gebruiken? Dat kan nu. Juliette gidst je helder door prettige en toegankelijke oefeningen die je lichaam en geest zal ontspannen en resetten. Zodat je verfrist en met betere concentratie verder kan gaan met je dag of werk….
Yoga 4ur back with Susmita: 20 min
Today we share a short and gentle practise for your whole spine. From head to tail;-) Our Kompassieyoga teacher Susmita instructs and Juliette enjoys with you the gentle guidance.  Do you have a stiff back, neck or shoulders? Then this short yoga class could help you through your day!
Gentle Creative Flow: 40 min
Juliette shares with you a gentle flow class of 40 min. She starts with a mindful warm-up. With extra attention for neck and shoulders. Since we often carry a lot of tension there. Especially when we work at home at the computer now a days much more. Then she will take you to new connections…
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